Use "indemnify|indemnified|indemnifies|indemnifying" in a sentence

1. They offered to indemnify us for our losses.

2. The parents had to sign contracts indemnifying the hotel against fire damage.

3. It doesn't have the money to indemnify everybody.

4. They are important indemnify of market economic development.

5. Everyone should learn to indemnify oneself against harm.

6. He promised to indemnify me for my losses.

7. They agreed to indemnify the taxpayers against any loss.

8. The ultimate purpose of insurance is to indemnify policyholders.

9. Another word for Compensate: recompense, repay, refund, reimburse, indemnify Collins English Thesaurus

10. The insurance company will indemnify you for the loss incurred.

11. Violators have to take all responsibilities and indemnify for damages.

12. 24 The insurance company will indemnify you for the loss incurred.

13. 30 Totally, there is a trend that the scope of indemnified non - pecuniary damages have gradually expanded.

14. This is a statement of loss and you should indemnify us $ 4

15. The company is in the position to indemnify them for the loss.

16. How much does it cost to indemnify oneself against accidental death?

17. I undertook to indemnify them for expenses incurred on my behalf.

18. The Client agrees to indemnify MHC in respect of any claim arising in respect thereto.

19. Synonyms for Comped include recompensed, compensated, indemnified, repaid, reimbursed, requited, atoned, remunerated, expiated and redressed

20. If not replaced, the insurer will indemnify based on actual cash value.

21. The Chinese government was forced to indemnify the victims and make many additional concessions.

22. Due to the onerous nature of this work it is important that any engagement letter fully indemnifies the Firm.

23. The tenant is legally required to indemnify the landlord for any damage caused to the property.

24. Heads of departments and institutions are indemnified by the University in respect of any claims made against them under civil law in connection with safety duties.

25. Tudor Grange agreed to indemnify the bank should any of the other plaintiffs try and bring an action.

26. A person discriminated against in other spheres of life may be indemnified for possible loss in accordance with the Tort Liability Act.

27. The Company has taken out insurance to indemnify its Directors and Officers against liability when acting for the Group.

28. The lower Courts ordered Appellant to indemnify respondent.: Les Cours inférieures ont condamné l' appelante à indemniser l

29. Without provisions prohibiting accumulation the insured would not be indemnified until the qualifying period for a claim relating to the transfer risk had elapsed.

30. It is further acknowledged that each of the parties shall indemnify me for all reasonable costs of defending such actions and proceedings.

31. Arising Out Of…Three Words You Should Avoid “Engineer shall indemnify client but only to the extent Arising from or relating to Engineer’s negligence”

32. Where the contract is rescinded due to breach by one party, the party in breach shall indemnify the losses caused to the other party.

33. In 1999, the Supreme Court of the Philippines ruled that it was the owners of Vector who were liable to indemnify the victims of the collision.

34. The supplier should indemnify and hold the buyer and final user harmless from any claims asserted by any third parties for the rights of the catalyst.

35. The buyer shall indemnify the seller for any liability,(sentencedict .com) penalty or other costs resulting from the buyer's failure to provide such berth and safe port.

36. Reinsurance is an arrangement in which a company, the reinsurer, agrees to indemnify an insurance company, the Ceding company, against all or a portion of the primary

37. The Employer shall indemnify the Contractor against all claims, proceedings, damages, costs, charges and expenses in respect of the matters referred to in the exceptions defined in Sub-Clause

38. The unlawful act arises when and if the enriched party refuses to reimburse the impoverished party (action de in rem verso) or the principal refuses to indemnify the manager (negotiorum gestio).

39. [Consultban] and [the applicant] agree that in the event [the applicant] requests the cancellation of this contract for reasons not covered as per the terms of the contract, and [Consultban] is obliged to indemnify owners as per the terms of COA [Contract of Affreightment] between the owners and [Consultban], then [the applicant] to indemnify [Consultban], upon first request in writing up to the amount of USD 1 000 000, provided adequate proofs are presented by [Consultban].

40. "[Consultban] and [the applicant] agree that in the event [the applicant] requests the cancellation of this contract for reasons not covered as per the terms of the contract, and [Consultban] is obliged to indemnify owners as per the terms of COA [Contract of Affreightment] between the owners and [Consultban], then [the applicant] to indemnify [Consultban], upon first request in writing up to the amount of USD 1 000 000, provided adequate proofs are presented by [Consultban]."

41. Naturally it is expected that the entity issuing the LOI and the bank Countersigning it, will indemnify the carrier against any and all losses or consequences arising against the carrier due to them acceding to the specific request of the issuer.

42. Sulpicio Lines announced three days after the accident that Doña Paz was insured for ₱25,000,000 (about US$550,000 in 2011 dollars), and it was willing to indemnify the survivors the amount of ₱20,000 (US$472 in 2011) for each victim.

43. NOTE: The undersigned hereby irrevocably indemnifies and holds harmless Airliners International 2020 Phoenix, LLC, its promoters, sponsors, organizers, helpers and volunteers; officers and members of the World Airline Historical Society, Tempe Mission Palms Hotel, and all of the above named persons and organizations, officers, directors, employees, independent contractors

44. Some common synonyms of Compensate are indemnify, pay, recompense, reimburse, remunerate, repay, and satisfy. While all these words mean "to give money or its equivalent in return for something," Compensate implies a making up for services rendered

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46. To remedy the college having to reduce fines due to the hardship experienced by the tenants either by being forced to support the quartering of soldiers or other effects of the war; it was agreed on 22nd April 1652 that in future, a clause would be inserted into all leases whereby "our several Tenants shall covenant to save ye Colledg harmless and indemnified from all assessments, Billettings and …

47. 2.4 The above being understood, the User will be responsible for any use, made by third parties, authorized or not authorized, of the above-mentioned passwords and usernames, as well as of any damage caused to Paolo della Santa and/or third parties, due to the non-observance of the afore-said, and promises, from hereon, to indemnify Paolo della Santa from every and any request, even for compensation of damages, deriving directly or indirectly, from the above-mentioned use or abuse.